USBC Certifies String Pinsetters: Funk Machines Are One of the First to Get Approved

May 16, 2023 | Bowling News, String Pinsetter | 1 comment

In major news in the bowling community, the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) will now certify string pinsetters and string ten pin bowling, effective August 1, 2023 for the 2023/2024 season. Funk Bowling’s popular string pinsetter was one of the first machines to be Approved  by the USBC.

“We are proud to be one of the first string pinsetter manufacturers to be certified by the USBC,” said Alex Funk, President of Funk North America and a third generation Funk family member helping lead the company. “Our team worked hard to meet the high standards of the USBC, and we’re thrilled to offer our customers a string pinsetter that meets these standards.” 

Long before the USBC began conducting research into the use of string pinsetters and how they affect the sport of bowling at the end of 2021, Funk Bowling had already introduced the string pinsetter to the North American sport bowler.

In 2009, Hall of Fame Bowling Head coach Bill Straub from the Nebraska Cornhuskers NCAA Bowling Team saw the advantages of the string-pinsetter early. As one of the first Centers in the US, the Nebraska Bowling practice facility was equipped with string pinsetter technology. The Cornhuskers won 3 NCAA championships since then proving that Funk technology fits the professional needs of a bowling champion.

Funk Bowling is committed to providing machines that enhance the sport of bowling and is excited to be able to provide the certified string pinsetters machines to their clients. This, in addition to their many accolades for design, which they recently won at the BCM’s Bowling Center Architecture and Design Awards, shows Funk’s position as a leader in bowling technology and their adherence to the industries highest standards for the game of bowling.

1 Comment

  1. John Henry

    So we’re going to need to start up the string pin leagues correct and tournaments because they have to be separate from conventional and centers correct or mechanical what do we call them now? But I’d be willing to assist in getting the league up and going and retired military so I have a whole lot going on except I want to start a bowling alley my own.


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