
Once you’ve designed your alley and selected your products and equipment, our expert installation team will come to your site and bring your lanes to life. We offer night-time installations as well in order to minimize downtime and keep your bowlers rolling.

Funk Bowling Installation Services Photo Steve, Funk North America


Funk North America Bowling 16x9 10, Funk North America

Even though our products and equpiment require minimal maintenance, should anything major go wrong, we will be there to service the equipment and get you up and running ASAP. We will also offer a suggested maintenance and cleaning schedule to keep your equipment in tip-top shape.


Whether first learning how to use and maintain our pinsetters, or managing our scoring systems, we will offer a complete training session to get you and your staff up to speed. While our products are fairly intuitive and easy to use, this training will help make sure everyone is on the same page.

Funk Bowling Scoring System 2, Funk North America


Consulting Funk Bowling 1500px, Funk North America

With so many options, products and equipment to choose from, our experts are available to provide the guidance you need for your bowling experience. With over 130 years in the bowling space, our team has seen it all and can help you move in the right direction for your project.

Customer Support

We’re just a phone call away! Whatever questions, concerns or issues you face with our products or equpiment, we are standing by to provide our insight and expertise. If we don’t answer, we will get back to you as soon as we possibly can.

Customer Support Funk Bowling 1280px, Funk North America

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Sept. 24-26, 2024 | Amsterdam | Booth #9113

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