String Pinsetters

String Pinsetter Bowling Alley Equipment Snowmass CO Funk Bowling 2 Of 12, Funk North America

When it comes to our string pinsetters, our manufacturing processes and custom engineering allow us to offer the most innovative, low-maintenance string pinsetters on the market. We focus on building string pinsetters that minimize costs of ownership in order to offer bowling businesses the most profitable equipment possible while delivering an enjoyable bowling experience for bowlers.


Our quality control processes, material selection and finishing technique ensures that our bowling lanes are built to last. When it comes to your lanes, our attention to detail during the installation ensure a flawless finish.

Funk Bowling Image 14, Funk North America


Funk Bowling Scoring System 2, Funk North America

With over 20 game variations and customized technology, our bowling scoring systems offer your customers the most fun and exciting game play possible. From standard scoring and monitors to innovative scoring options, we can offer a bowling experience that keeps people coming back.

Bumpers & Gutters

From the traditional gutter with finishing options to the kid-favorite bumper bowling, we custom build our bumpers and gutters to fit the look and feel of your bowling experience. Ask us about our bumper and gutter variations and options.

Bumpers Funk Bowling Equipment Manufacturer 800px, Funk North America


048IRX 1053 C Ingo Rack 4, Funk North America

We’ve spent years fine tuning our ball returns to be the safest, most efficient and reliable on the market. Our timeless design and solid steel construction make for long-lasting ball returns. In addition, we’ve made it easy to maintain, clean and repair our ball returns so you can minimize downtime and keep your bowlers rolling!


We offer a plethora of seating options enabling you to create the most customized look and feel possible. From furniture shape, to color, to material, our catalog allows you to personalize your bowling experience with custom seating options.

Funk Bowling Seating, Funk North America

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